Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sophia hyatt khan_08

sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Rani calls
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Rani calls

  • ipadder
    Oct 10, 12:21 PM
    Kinda a ridiculous price for a generic case.

    I disagree. After all, its in the USA and shipping times are slashed. I bought a couple iPhone cases and whenever I've had issues with the case, they always solved it. I can't say the same about sellers from Hong Kong that just don't care.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Is Hrithik
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Is Hrithik

  • Blasphemic
    Jan 6, 07:32 AM
    Still the same car but got some new pictures: Opel Corsa 1.4 Swing from 1997, worth about nothing but it means alot to me :)
    First 2 are outside the building where i live, and yes i know she could really need a wash but that wont be done untill they have time to do it at work (i work at a Car rental company)
    The inside could really use a good cleaning aswell
    And she has quite a few Km on the clock.

    And here is what i drive when im at work (i dont clean the cars, im the guy standing behind the counter saying sir to people)
    First one is a Porsche Cayenne
    Jaguar XF (i didnt take this picture)
    And theres all the Audis and Mercs =)

    i posted the links aswell since i cant get it to post the actual pictures :(
    why dont picasa/flick let me link to the the picture >_<

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. BOLLYWOOD. Order:
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. BOLLYWOOD. Order:

  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:51 PM
    While I write this there are 176 posts already.

    Since initially posted (3 hours ago), there have been an average .9 posts per minute with no signs of slowing. This rumor is really keeping everyone here quite entertained. Cheers to slacking off at work on a Friday!

    edit: corrected "off"

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Ielts Writing Task 1. Ielts Writing Task 1. uv23. Sep 5, 09:11 AM
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Ielts Writing Task 1. Ielts Writing Task 1. uv23. Sep 5, 09:11 AM

  • kenzbud
    Aug 16, 07:20 AM
    I hope to god they don't use bluetooth. I've had nothing but bad sound quality with those types of headphones.

    Knowing Apple, if they are going in introduce wifi/bluetooth, they will only add the feature if it is up to their standards.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood

  • btallada9870
    Mar 22, 08:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Uh, without the iPod Classic, there would be no iPhone, iPod Nano, iPad, or iTouch. Don't knock down what brought you up!
    Where's the Zune now??? Dead

    you could make the same argument for android. i don't think we'd have anything near the cell phones we have today without apple, but i also didn't really follow the market before then.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Anushka
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Anushka

  • nitropowered
    Mar 22, 04:45 PM
    I haven't put new songs on my iphone in months. Mostly streaming music via Pandora. If Apple starts doing a subscription music service, I would signup immediately. I'm even considering getting a lower capacity iPhone 5 when the time comes to upgrade

    I guess if you have a large collection and need to carry all your songs with you at all times, the classic may still fit your needs

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. lineas
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. lineas

  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 25, 12:15 AM
    This sounds interesting. Now I'm anticipating the iMac/MP refresh even more....

    The possibility of off-the-shelf options looks even better, though. Potential expansion of MP life span?

    Imac refresh is more imminent than the MP refresh - for all we know, middle of 2012 the latest or even later, as Apple clearly sees no interest in Mac Pro as much as the Laptops, iMac, and others, esp the iphone 5 coming up. Mac Pro simply doesn't top the list, unfortionately, but sad to say the 6-core is going to be my LAST Mac Pro as I am not using it to its full potential due to lack of interest in multi-threaded apps and no use for such applications.. Only got the 6-core w3680 for prolonging the machine.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. heart
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. heart

  • izzle22
    Aug 16, 09:39 PM
    There is NO way in hell Apple will ever release anything in a country other than the USA first. So you can stop getting your hopes up. Apple is an American co. and they will release products here first such as Sony sometimes releases products first in Japan. This is just my opinion, I could be wrong.

    Apple's headquarters has begun dispatching its staff to its major markets in Asia, to teach local sales how to demonstrate the new products, the sources noted.

    Something about this statement means iPhone and not new iPod. Reason? The MP3 playing phones are selling very very well and Apple will have to break into a market currently dominated by Sony, Toshiba, Samsung and other Asian makers that are producing MP3 playing phones. The current Toshiba models have 2+ GB space for music. My phone can hold 250MB of music (old).

    Softbank of Japan (recently bought Vodafone Japan) has been tooting the upcoming technology that they want to present to the market to take a bigger bite out of DoCoMo.

    There was a rumore a few months back that the iPhone would be released first in Japan and then other places. Reason? iPod sales are falling as more Japanese want to have just one item to do phone and music. If the iPhone can do all the functions of a nano and a phone, you bet it would be a huge hit in Japan. Therefore Apple would have to dispatch lots of tech people to help get it understood not to Apple staff (like all of us...it would be a no brainer of a product) but to Softbank staff (mostly young minimally educated girls in cute uniforms).

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. 2010 rolls royce interior. 2010 rolls royce interior. Chundles. Aug 15, 05:51 PM. It does vary quite a lot by where you live.
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. 2010 rolls royce interior. 2010 rolls royce interior. Chundles. Aug 15, 05:51 PM. It does vary quite a lot by where you live.

  • plokoonpma
    Apr 12, 09:59 PM
    This is a huge change! Dam.. on the sheet looks awesome. Will make editing in all environments more friendly and scalable.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. heart images love. wallpaper; heart images love. wallpaper. MacYale. Apr 22, 06:59 PM. The iphone 4 has an amazing design. the metal
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. heart images love. wallpaper; heart images love. wallpaper. MacYale. Apr 22, 06:59 PM. The iphone 4 has an amazing design. the metal

  • twoodcc
    Sep 1, 02:46 PM
    can't wait til Sep. 12! :eek:

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - aamir dons a new avatar,deepika ousted from
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - aamir dons a new avatar,deepika ousted from

  • ~Shard~
    Nov 15, 08:57 AM
    Perhaps this would allow me to play a large map on Civ4 without the terrible huge long pauses...

    It depends whether Civ IV was coded to take advantage of multiple cores or not. If it is indeed a multi-threaded app, then fine, it could probably share the load across all 8 cores, however this may not be the case as the app may not be able to to take advanatge of all 8 cores. Not sure, guess you'd need to test it out...

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. madonna of rocks. madonna of rocks. firestarter. May 1, 11:32 PM. you guys are really reaching  Osama Bin Laden is as big as they
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. madonna of rocks. madonna of rocks. firestarter. May 1, 11:32 PM. you guys are really reaching Osama Bin Laden is as big as they

  • Eidorian
    Aug 25, 11:54 AM
    Every single one of those (except perhaps home theater) would be much better suited with a cheaper VIA mini-ITX system running Linux. The only reason you should ever choose Mac OS X over Linux is in *visible* setups, not *invisible* setups.Sadly, I've tried to make cheaper VIA based mini-ITX systems. I usually end up getting a better buy from a Mac Mini.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Ranbir
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Ranbir

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 2, 08:21 PM
    I really like this ad. Maybe this will be the new direction of Apple's marketing?

    Apple was one of the first to proclaim that technology is a means to your jobs and not the job itself. The world uses tools that engineers make for a purpose and not having the hotted box out there.

    To use the automotive analogy, we are out of the muscle car era and moving into a market where functionality overrides hardcore specs. This also makes the jobs of an engineer much more difficult since customer demands are now more intangible.

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. 2010 rolls royce interior. 2010 rolls royce interior. rorschach. Aug 16, 02:21 PM. Dunno if this was posted,
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. 2010 rolls royce interior. 2010 rolls royce interior. rorschach. Aug 16, 02:21 PM. Dunno if this was posted,

  • djrod
    Mar 31, 01:39 AM
    Is frontrow back?

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia

  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 09:30 AM
    I really hope it's a new device (maybe with some storage for songs or whatever else you want) that will give you what you guys seem to want without making my purchase of the new "true" video iPod cost me in the range of $600 - $700 for new "features" I - and I think many others - have no desire to use.

    If they go the aforementioned route, they need to keep a dedicated iPod so that the price point stays down. Seems like they'd have the common sense to just know to do that, but you never know sometimes..

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Preity#39;s
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. Planet Bollywood - Preity#39;s

  • wolfboy
    Sep 30, 03:12 AM
    Yes, I've bought a clear (smoked) tpu case on eBay. Stay away from the clear ones, they leave watermarks on the back. Get the patterned ones. Fitment is kind of loose on some sides but good temp case until something good comes out. I'm waiting on the incase slider myself, just wish it didn't cost 35 bucks for a piece of plastic!

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. 2010 rolls royce interior. 2010 rolls royce interior. DmbShn41. Oct 14, 08:56 AM. THIS IS DISGRACEFUL !
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. 2010 rolls royce interior. 2010 rolls royce interior. DmbShn41. Oct 14, 08:56 AM. THIS IS DISGRACEFUL !

  • Peace
    Jul 19, 05:39 PM
    I'm about ready to buy a 20" iMac but I want the new OS. How long do I have to wait?

    not as long as Vista customers will have to wait :D

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. lineas del metro. con 4 lineas; lineas del metro. con 4 lineas. mjteix. Apr 13, 10:35 AM
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. lineas del metro. con 4 lineas; lineas del metro. con 4 lineas. mjteix. Apr 13, 10:35 AM

  • Marx55
    Jan 1, 06:44 PM
    iPhone with built-in Mac OS X mobile with pictures:



    Now, imagine it as the ultimate computerless wireless all-in-one presentation remote of native Keynote and PowerPoint presentations.

    Huge halo effect on all corporate, education and domestic markers.

    We need tons of them!

    sophia hyatt khan_08. sophia hyatt khan_08. madonna of rocks. madonna of rocks. daneoni. Oct 24, 09:06 AM. Finally, still confused as to why there
  • sophia hyatt khan_08. madonna of rocks. madonna of rocks. daneoni. Oct 24, 09:06 AM. Finally, still confused as to why there

  • FireStar
    Oct 4, 03:11 PM
    i have recently bought ipod touch 4g ...i am looking for ipod touch 4g cases that provide my ipod a stylish and modish look and protect my pod from scratches and fits perfectly.
    Well, I'm not sure if they have any yet, but Vaja is very nice and cool. Fairly expensive though. You could also get a BodyGuard or BSE or Invisible Shield if you would like to still see the Touch and have it be thin.

    May 2, 07:35 PM
    sounds kookie.

    Sep 1, 12:57 PM
    Thanks for waking me up multimedia:D

    I never really care for the Imac. As a second computer is great, but for me I rather have a Mac Pro. I am glad is possible to do that now.

    Nov 30, 09:35 AM
    Broadcast TV is a business model from the 50s which needs to die. But if you *really* want your TV content determined by the marketeers of ant-acid remedies then stick with your DVR. Stick with Celebrity Love Spacktard. Cheer it up for American Idle. Wave pom poms like a sixteen year-old for the vacuous, empty spam that the networks churn out, to fill the gaps between revenue-generating advertising.

    Dead on, in my opinion.

    Nov 28, 08:09 PM
    I have no idea where you got that one from. The original Xbox never made a profit. Microsoft is deliberately selling the Xbox 360 at a loss to capture marketshare. However, the PS3 and Ninetindo Wii are selling like hotcakes, are latest big things, and have the buzz. The best laid plans ...

    I think the first statement is correct or close to it. They may have had a single profitable quarter when Halo 2 was released. I'm not sure because they bury games in a Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division. Which includes their smartphone stuff (now that it has stopped bleeding money) and their profitable and acclaimed mice, keyboards, and other stuff (all manufactured by other companies, sort of like Dell, but with a nicer design).

    The second part I believe is now wrong. I think the XBox 360 is no longer a loss lead, though that might change as there is some speculation that they will be dropping the price to undercut Sony soon. I believe the fact that it is no longer a loss lead is causing a confounding with the "360 is profitable" commentaries here.

    Another commenter mentioned how smart it was was the XBox had a hard drive on it. I’d say if it is so smart why did Microsoft remove it in the base model 360? I’ll point out that this happened because the price of hard drives do not get any cheaper! In fact the price of commodity hardware design doesn’t get any cheaper! Huh? Hard drives get bigger, not cheaper. Processors and chips get more powerful, not cheaper.

    What went on is that successive iterations of the Playstation and Playstation 2 would allow Sony to combine chips to reduce the price (and make smaller PSOne and slim-cased Playstation 2). This outlet wasn't available to Microsoft because of their design which is why the XBox was a losing money for it's entire run and Sony played games by dropping their price before it ever turned a profit.

    Those two things are "of a piece". While commodity hardware was an interesting idea, it was a failure. Which is why the XBox 360 is not built from commodity PC hardware. The hard drives are a necessary evil of the "Live" strategy so they're left in as an option and bundled with the Playstation 3. That's why these 6G consoles are expensive and not dropping in price fast.

    Right now all this is moot since the thing to watch is the Sony gamble on a blue laser. Obviously it will get cheaper fast, but the question is how fast and how cheap? The horrible yields on the Cell processor isn't helping things.

    Currently, the XBox 360 has sold very consistently at around 1.5 million units a quarter. The XMas quarter last year had supply issues and only sold .9 million units. That's hardly dominating. In fact, I think the Playstation 2 outsold the 360 in each of those quarters even though the device is six years old. Let's put some numbers here. Last year over 100 million Playstation 2’s had been sold, six months ago, they were selling 380k/month. The XBox 360 sold 6 million units since it's introduction over a year ago, six months ago they were selling 300k/month, they had fixed the channel problems that plagued the release.

    Consider this: Nintendo sold 600,000 Wiis in the last eight days. Given the scarcity of the Playstation 3 and the popularity and addictiveness of WiiSports and Zelda, they should easily crush that .9 million opening quarter of the 360. And consider this: each unit at a profit with a number of titles putting money directly in Nintendo's pocket.

    I'm not claiming that the Wii will beat the 360. I'm just pointing out that according to sales numbers, the 360 is no iPod, is not trending to an iPod, will never be an iPod. The iPod sits on 75% market share. The closest thing to an iPod in the entertainment market is the Playstation 2.

    Which is a big distraction from the point. And what is the point? That the XBox is a bad analogy. It is best to consider their Windows CE->Smartphone Microsoft play to see that the Zune is a bad idea. How many years and failed ideas have there been (Windows CE, Windows Mobile, PocketPC, etc. etc.)? How many billions sunk (some years more than the entire capitalization of the PDA market)? How much marketshare? 6% of smartphones, 60% of the dead-end PDA market, and most of the dead ATM teller market (because IBM did a phased pull out, not because Microsoft "won"). And even those markets are being eaten by Linux faster than Windows.

    The only thing we can learn from the XBox and Microsoft is that Microsoft pees on their partners (NVidia) at the earliest opportunity. But we already knew that as soon as the Zune didn't support Plays For Sure.

    Mar 26, 03:47 PM
    ...For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac - this is just one example where Apple is starting to make software because companies are leaving the platform...

    its my understanding that apple made this browser BEFORE MSIE was pulled from the mac. M$ pulled IE because they believed Safari was better and faster and could better serve the mac. it was also part of a marketing plan by M$ to remove IE as a stand alone browser from Win and Mac. Think before you post and do your homework. The rest of use don't want to read something that's not true or thot out.

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