Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wallpaper disney princess

wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Gold Wallpaper
  • Disney Princess Gold Wallpaper

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 09:58 PM
    The auto-tracking timeline seems so obvious (in retrospect) that I think a year the UIs with 99 tracks stacked on top of each other, a new track for each tiny clip, etc, are going to look horribly complicated. They may look "professional" to people who think all information should be onscreen at once -- even if there's no video in the track, at he time range you're looking at, the track is still there.

    But it seems like this new UI will give much better control and edibility for the range of the work that you're currently working on.

    It is looking like some of the features that I think were a PITA before are better integrated here too.... if the comments about adjusting time scale mean what I think.

    A great leap forward in usability, it looks like.

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Wallpaper
  • Disney Princess Wallpaper

  • RappleRapple
    Apr 21, 02:03 PM
    Well I'll never go missing!

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Cartoon Image
  • Disney Princess Cartoon Image

  • etrinh
    Apr 24, 12:42 PM
    It's amazing that a file that is stored locally (iDevices and iTunes) is causing so much uproar. Lolz! If you have access to my iDevices then I should be more worried than you having access to this location cache. Get a clue people.

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Pearl Stripe
  • Disney Princess Pearl Stripe

  • cyclotron451
    Nov 16, 07:37 AM
    Notwithstandign such long-standing facts, there are still some MS fanboys here who think Windows is better for multicore usage (not to mention multitasking, which has been ALWAYS better in OS X)... :rolleyes:

    Zune is dead, Windows is dead...face it.

    Well, with the Intel Core roadmap for 2016 possibly getting up to close to 300 heterogeneous cores per motherboard/PC, certainly Windows is out of the race but OS XX 20.x will have to have evolved to probably DAML/OWL Semantic Web Ontology based, with System Strategy and System Policy Reasoners, i.e. a Cognitive OS with a flexible Operating Envelope. I think that would definitely make Safari snappier!

    wallpaper disney princess. Walt Disney Princess Wallpaper
  • Walt Disney Princess Wallpaper

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 19, 03:31 PM
    This is What I Wanna See:

    iMac 27" (Quad Core)
    $1,999.99 (Base)

    Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

    wallpaper disney princess. disney-Princess-Barbie-with-
  • disney-Princess-Barbie-with-

  • iSpoody 1243
    Jun 22, 07:46 PM
    ios4 apps on the dashboard would be cool
    thats about it

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess by ~chiphunny
  • Disney Princess by ~chiphunny

  • w00master
    Dec 30, 10:11 AM
    I think a lot of you are expecting way too much on the "iTV" and will be very disappointed when it gets released.

    1. DVR Functionality?
    Nope, I don't see it. Don't see it happening EVER. This places iTV in direct competition with Cable and Satellite providers, which (imho) is a losing battle. A good example is Tivo. While, Tivo is still lauded in the industry and consumers as having the "best DVR interface/UI," it's still not selling well to consumers. Why? Cable and Satellite providers are providing DVRs and a MUCH lower cost, and even though their UI/interface sucks terribly, because of the LOW COST, the Cable/Satellite boxes are outselling Tivos.

    On Demand. This category amongst cable companies are expanding very rapidly and offering free content left and right. Good example is HBO, nearly *ALL* of their shows are On Demand now which is instant access to all of their shows. Generally speaking (for people who use HBO On Demand), this has been extremely popular, maybe this is why HBO is still not being sold on iTunes? Why download when you have access to nearly all of the HBO content for free and instantaneous?

    2. Remote Desktop viewer?
    Nope, don't see this at all either. If this were a Mac world only, MAYBE I could see this happening, but the harsh reality is that we live in a primarily Windows world. I really don't see Apple moving into utilizing Remote Desktop on Windows machines THROUGH iTV.

    You have to remember that unlike iMac, Mac Pro, Macbooks, etc, the iTV will have to satisfy Windows users as well.

    What do I see the iTV for? Streaming media, a glorified IP TV box, an easier way to bring the iPod to the living room. I really don't see it doing anything else. I'm hoping that I'm wrong.


    wallpaper disney princess. wallpaper disney princess.
  • wallpaper disney princess.

  • Flowbee
    Nov 29, 10:27 PM
    Reading through all the expectations in this thread has me thinking that there are going to be some veeeery disappointed people on the day this is announced.

    I'm guessing it'll be something like Airport Express, but for video. With a Front Row interface and a remote. Watch videos from you iTunes library, browse the iTunes store, subscribe to video podcasts, watch streaming movie trailers. Maybe a built-in web browser. If we're lucky, it will be able to browse and play video from YouTube or other video sites. That's all I'm expecting, anyway.

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Birthday Cake
  • Disney Princess Birthday Cake

  • ipwn00bs
    Oct 24, 02:42 AM
    thats so annoying now, you buy one new MacBook Pro then 6 months later its out dated. Im not saying its useless but c'mon.

    wallpaper disney princess. wallpaper disney princess.
  • wallpaper disney princess.

  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 29, 09:03 PM
    I think that 17" is great - they've got'em already with the iMac. Prices to need to drop with the market. They'll still be more as the monitors are of better quality. IMHO:

    17" - $399
    20" - $599
    23" - $899
    30" - $1899

    I question the validity of a 17" stand-alone widescreen. Doesn't make sense, IMO. A 20" is already fairly compact and provides little more area and takes up no more room than a 17" 4:3 display.

    As for pricing, I agree on some of what you posted -- the prices definitely need to go DOWN. What I don't agree with are the prices you posted -- even if Apple keeps a 20% premium over brands like Samsung, the prices should look more like:

    17" - $269
    20" - $349
    24" - $629
    30" - $1,699

    ...Like I said, those would be premium prices and are a good 10 to 20% higher than the going rate for good monitors with current panels (Samsung/Dell). Also with the next monitor revision, you can expect Apple to dump the 23" in favor of a 24" panel.

    wallpaper disney princess. DP Babies - Disney Princess
  • DP Babies - Disney Princess

  • mi5moav
    Sep 7, 09:57 PM
    This sure is starting to sound like MOVIEBEAM... and who owns that???

    So, we can que up 10-12 movies we want to watch for the month and in the background my mac downloads them and then either stores them on this yet to be anounced product or onto my mac... Then this new Airport(now, available in 1-3 weeks) can then stream it to my TV. This does make a lot more sense now.

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Wallpaper
  • Disney Princess Wallpaper

  • Mainyehc
    Nov 28, 02:39 PM
    What I meant by moderately high ante was the dollars spent, not the product.

    I don't think we'll know what MS executives will do when Gates leaves until he's gone. Even Mr. B.

    Don't get me wrong - I think the Zune is crap. However it's always foolish to ignore the 800 pound gorilla, even when it's lazy and clueless. They can wake up and buy clues.

    Yes, of course... that "gorilla"-thing is a fairly good point. But don't forget about that pervasive M$ corporate culture. I'm not talking about laborious employees, like programmers or designers, which are mostly very talented people (it's not their fault - at least, not of all of them - that they have to deal with dumb business decisions and craptastic 10-20-year-old-code). I'm talking about management, which, as it seems, is quite rotten at Microsoft, and probably not just at the core. And to make things worse, there is no "Jobs" waiting on the wings to salvage Microsoft from itself, and that will be the sole reason why they won't last long (would've Apple had, if not for Steve and NeXT?)...

    As for buying clues, sure! Maybe they'll hire someone from outside. But naaah, they're too proud to change their ways, I guess... They didn't do it in 20 years time, so why would they now? Sure, the XBox was a small glimpse of "innovation" (albeit not THAT useful for their survival as a company), but meh, a bit lackluster while compared with iPod+iTunes (which, ironically, were partly developed by outsiders) and the effect they had on Apple...

    And as for their investment, I STILL don't get it! I mean, they didn't even bother about condensing the Zune to be more attractive... Is its thickness a side effect of having a WiFi chip inside, or a reflex of M$'s design team's incompetence at "refreshing" a 3rd party product? Was it an item SO EXPENSIVE to "develop"? And they didn't took the steps to develop an interesting alternative to the click wheel, anyway. AND its interface, from what I can tell (I haven't had the chance to try it yet, as I live in Europe... :rolleyes: :D ), is nothing special, it's just an iPod-like menu scheme with some wallpapers plastered underneath it... Big deal!

    Look at the nano and the shuffle (and even the 5G). Now there are some examples of some impressive and probably expensive industrial design...

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess Large
  • Disney Princess Large

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 08:53 PM
    And in the process threw 50 years of video editing out the window.

    50 years ago there were no computers. If you want to go back to the moviola, nobody is stopping you. You seem to think that sticking with outdated metaphors is inherently somehow better.

    Great if you've never edited before, but if you want to edit, iMovie isn't an option. If you want to slap together a super quick video, it's almost faster to cut and paste clips in a QT7 window then use iMovie now.

    You may have never used iMovie but it is foolish to assume that none of us have. That idea that you can't edit in iMovie is nonsense, and absurd on the face of it.

    wallpaper disney princess. wallpaper disney princess.
  • wallpaper disney princess.

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 1, 10:41 AM
    Bingo! Now how do I remove the others? :confused:

    Did you try Command-Option-Control-Click?
    Oops, that does not work my bad. At least for me. Glad I don't use Launchpad.

    wallpaper disney princess. wallpaper disney princess.
  • wallpaper disney princess.

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 01:36 PM
    Maybe the iTV can zap the MPAA and all those movie execs into white dust :D

    wallpaper disney princess. disney princess wallpapers.
  • disney princess wallpapers.

  • BenRoethig
    Sep 1, 12:59 PM
    New 23" displays do not have the pink tint.

    Ever hear the expression of seeing the world through rose colored glasses?

    wallpaper disney princess. Disney Princess by
  • Disney Princess by

  • cderalow
    Jan 22, 02:11 PM
    Good news! Atleast your kids can be cool :D

    They all ready sit in Recaro's ;)

    Seriously though, we've got a 3rd on the way, so we had to go to something large enough to fit 3 car seats.

    wallpaper disney princess. wallpaper disney
  • wallpaper disney

  • mc68k
    Oct 5, 06:41 PM
    hey, congrats to you for 6 million!!thanks! with those bigadv units i almost feel like im cheating!

    wallpaper disney princess. wallpaper disney princess.
  • wallpaper disney princess.

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 12, 09:12 PM
    You can follow this link
    Looks nice!

    Mar 28, 03:12 PM
    The iPod Classic is the best iPod ever released, period. I love it since day 1. Only downside is you can�t use it for sports, due to its sensitive hard drive. The device does look awesome, goes well with my aluminum book.

    ..is an ipod that is just about music and nothing else. and yeah the sound quality of the classic thats out right now does suck...i'd like to see improved battery life, higher quality chips (DAC, amps,...), digital output, maybe airplay - and all of that in a sexy, indestructable metal case with a click wheel and a small non touch display...

    Sounds like an awesome idea for a new Classic.

    Jul 14, 02:27 AM
    I personally would love to see both formats fall flat on their asses. Both sides are way too stubborn to standardize and are expecting consumers to waste money on one side or the other, just to have their super-expensive players become paperweights when a standard is picked.

    Not to mention, the DRM is so restrictive its not even funny. Especially on Blueray. It is rediculous that if you use an analog connection or a non-secured digital connection that blueray down-samples and then up-samples the video to distort it so you cannot somehow make a digital copy. Thats not how the professional pirates duplicate discs! Morons, all they are doing is once again hurting consumers. Blueray players even phone home to tell Sony what you've been watching and download new encryption keys incase someone broke the keys like they did with CSS. Sony has assumed way too much control with Blueray, so if I'd have to pick either format I'd go with HD-DVD. Lets not forget Microsoft is backing HD-DVD on the X-Box 360. Last week when I was at the game store, they said the add-on drive would be coming soon for around $100. Thats alot less than a blueray player. Heck, when combined with this fall's xbox price cuts (we all know its going to happen with the ps3 release), it will be significantly less than buying a PS3 for a blueray player.

    We've seen it with Betamax, MiniDisc, MemoryStick, etc. Sony doesn't play well with others, they like their own formats. Heck, take a look at the Sony DRM fiasco from last year with the rootkit CDs. Do you really trust Sony to be checking in on what Blueray discs you are playing and verifying your encryption keys on a dailybasis? There are very few features in Blueray which are consumer friendly.

    Like I said, HD-DVD and Blueray both suck in my opinion, too many DRM controls, too expensive, not enough difference really over DVD for most people....

    So.......back to the main topic, what do I want Apple to do?
    Nothing, don't include either. I knew someone who felt very betrayed when he purchased a PowerMac with DVD-RAM drive. He was convinced because Apple chose that drive that it was where the industry was headed. A year later he could barely find media for it and he couldn't use the discs on anyone elses machines. He actually has always been a pro-mac person, preaching to everyone, but that absolutely infuriated him.

    Until there is a standard, Apple should stay out of the way. It doesn't matter if they put it in the highend mac or not, people say people spending that much don't care.........thats not true. They do care, they usually spend that much extra to get a job done with extra features they need. Compatibility and future proofing is a BIG DEAL to these people.

    So......apple should not put Blueray in anytime soon. BTO option? MAYBE....BUT......they should put lengthy and wordy warnings when selected informing users that it may be a paperweight in a year.

    Nov 16, 11:24 AM
    One question about 512MB vs 1 & 2 GB mod bandwidth. If the Mac comes with two 512MB mods installed in Riser A and I buy two 2GB modules to put into Riser B - total 5GB, will the slower bandwidth (or whatever it's called) of the two 512MB mods slowing down the faster 2GB mods be offset by having RAM installed in both risers rather than pulling the 512's and only having two 2GB mods installed in Riser A only - total 4GB? The difference of 1GB of RAM doesn't seem like that part would matter if the 512 mods slow everything down.

    Since the RAM all runs at the same speed and timings, no. The 512MB half-gate modules won't slow down the other RAM. However, any data going through the 512MB modules will see a very slight improvement in latency, but the upper ceiling for bandwidth out of those modules will be about half of what you would get out of a 1 or 2 GB module.

    Personally, I would want all my RAM to be consistant...

    Aug 24, 11:48 PM
    lets hope they do more than just put in a new CPU.

    ie a bigger better macmini

    Also, i echo the thoughts of looking forward towards a new MBP (hopefully in new design also)

    People also believe the iMac is due for a refresh, even new form.

    To be honest, I hope Apple does over all those units and announces some killer new ipods.

    basically to launch an entire new line of consumer products for the fall winter season. Would love that!!

    Mar 24, 01:54 PM
    Looks like NVIDIA is going to be out of the picture for a while. After the Mac Mini, MacBook and MacBook Air are updated to Sandy Bridge/Ivy Bridge it will be all Intel/AMD graphics across the board. Apple should really think about implementing hardware acceleration for AMD/ATI cards and Intel's IGP. Hopefully it will be there in Lion.

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