Wednesday, June 1, 2011

pictures of quarter horses

pictures of quarter horses. Breed: Quarter Horse
  • Breed: Quarter Horse

  • kalsta
    May 5, 02:37 PM
    The great thing about doing something good, is that it is OK to do it for any reason that makes you happy (even credit on a MacRumors thread) because at the end of the day it benefits people.

    If I was dying, I wouldn't care if someone gave me blood because their MacRumor buddies would like them more. They saved my life. Why is it so bad they did it for one reason or another?

    If people would do more good things because of threads on MacRumors, how cool would that be?

    Well I suppose you have a point there. If more people are giving blood because of the MacRumors blood drive, that's a good thing � which I think I already said a few comments back. ;)

    My comment was addressed more to the people who get upset because they're classified high-risk. I just question the motivation sometimes. But having said that, it may be that the US system is indeed prejudiced, and if so then perhaps they have a point.

    Regarding your first, rather general statement about 'doing something good for any reason that makes you happy', are you sure? What about a teacher who only does it for the money and doesn't really care about the children? A politician who only does what he thinks will win him the next election? A church minister who only visits his wealthier parishioners? A date who pays for an expensive meal and lavishes you with compliments only because he wants sex at the end? I would argue that people who only do things for selfish ends tend to end up causing more harm than good in the end. Anyway, that's probably a debate better left for PRSI. ;)

    pictures of quarter horses. Dun Quarter Horse mare
  • Dun Quarter Horse mare

  • Reventon
    Aug 1, 09:01 PM
    My screen shot, which is of course from the ending battle between the Enterprise and the Reliant in Star Trek II.

    pictures of quarter horses. Gentle Quarter horse yearling
  • Gentle Quarter horse yearling

  • SeaFox
    Nov 30, 01:35 AM
    The studios want to avoid the experience of the music industry, which has yet to recover from years of illegal digital piracy. Apple must introduce a �new model� for feature film content delivery, said one studio executive involved in the talks. With the average cost of a blockbuster film approaching $100m, movie studios had more to lose than music companies, he added.

    Wow, pardon me for stating the obvious here. But you can't "buy" a good movie. So there's no requirement that a studio spend $100 mil per picture. You don't have to use expensive special effects to bring in audiences. There are these things called "good writing" "engaging plot" and "talented acting" that I hear also draw people to theaters as well.

    pictures of quarter horses. Buckskin Quarter Horse
  • Buckskin Quarter Horse

  • pleasehelp!
    Apr 12, 08:04 PM
    figured it out. it is the last one.


    pictures of quarter horses. Quarter Horses registered
  • Quarter Horses registered

  • stevieg83
    May 5, 04:18 AM
    At work we have our internal ethernet network and also wifi.

    The wifi network tends to be that bit quicker because there's not as many users on it. Is there a way that I can tell particular applications to use the wifi network but still be connected to the corporate ethernet?


    pictures of quarter horses. the American Quarter Horse
  • the American Quarter Horse

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Dec 18, 06:46 PM
    He-he... that is slightly disturbing...

    ...and very cool... :D


    pictures of quarter horses. L.A. Waters Quarter Horses
  • L.A. Waters Quarter Horses

  • THX1139
    Mar 21, 06:56 PM
    Wow, $25 an hour sounds very reasonable to me. Is that really the going rate for graphic design or is that the "just getting started in design" rate? Anyway, hope it works out for you. Sometimes the difficult clients can provide the most rewarding work, but the psycho ones are seldom worth the effort.

    $25 an hour for 3 hours work is NOT reasonable unless you live in a motor home in the desert. $25 is only good if it's a wage and you have an employer paying benefits and taxes for you. But as a freelancer, $25 is not that much by the time you pay taxes and other expenses; unless you are billing out 50 or 60 hours a week. 3 hours at $25 is terrible! A hundred hours (billable) at $25 is better... but still kind of low (depending on experience and where you live).

    If the OP is going to bill hourly, then he at least needs to set a minimum hourly charge to make worth his while.

    pictures of quarter horses. Quarter Horses For Sale
  • Quarter Horses For Sale

  • AppleFanatic10
    Apr 7, 11:46 AM
    I hope they release one for the Verizon iPhone...


    pictures of quarter horses. LeMay Quarter Horses was
  • LeMay Quarter Horses was

  • Legion93
    Apr 27, 01:09 PM
    The master of troll has spoke.

    Could people stop calling each other trolls? Grow up.

    pictures of quarter horses. Quarter Horse at Haythorn
  • Quarter Horse at Haythorn

  • p0intblank
    Sep 26, 08:41 PM
    Wow, that looks very nice! I don't have a .Mac account, but I would definitely love one... but not for $99. :( I'm really hoping for a price drop in the near future.


    pictures of quarter horses. Minnesota Quarter Horse Racing
  • Minnesota Quarter Horse Racing

  • ikir
    Mar 23, 01:29 PM
    I was actually thinking of a desktop that is expandable, performs far better then any iMac, costs a lot less then a Mac Pro..... And Windows 7 is pretty damn good and flash works on it...

    performance is question mark with a crap os like Window, and stop saying Windows 7 is good because it is not, it is just better than Vista... not hard eh?
    Flash works? Flash is crap on every platform, the few on which can run on since it is proprietary, and as far as it makes sense it runs on mac os too so i don't see your point. Costs a less than a Mac Pro/iMac/MacBook pro is relative as always, even good PCs which you can build if you have some experience, will not have an impressive power/consumption ratio as most Macs, will not have multitouch, unibody, all in one design, FireWire800 (please don't say USB3 which is crap), and many other things. You are just evalutating what you thing are important for you. You are not smarter, stop embarassing yourself.

    Sorry for my bad english.

    instead you just gave the usual fanboy response to someone who dared to say a bad word about Apple
    Usually it is the opposite, one can't says an opinion without being marked as a fanboy by blind users like you. Even when you point they're wrong, you get the fanboy pin!! How sad are becoming online forums. I'm still laughing at the news about Apple opening hardware access for Adobe flash, a lot of retarded users cried "apple was the bad guy because adobe can't optimized flash without this".... when we got core image, core animation, core audio ecc. for years. Who want to bash see only what he wants to see, and think to be the smart one.
    Go enjoy your Windows 7 Alienware, btw nice machine troll.

    pictures of quarter horses. pictures of quarter horses.
  • pictures of quarter horses.

  • Cindori
    May 7, 03:17 AM


    pictures of quarter horses. and Quarter Horse Stud
  • and Quarter Horse Stud

  • anubis
    Nov 29, 11:59 AM
    Honestly, I don't really see what the big deal is. Compared to previous demands of movies and music companies (variable pricing, etc.), asking Apple to limit the number of iPods the movie can be viewed on doesn't seem like an unreasonable request. How many iPods do you own? Yes, it is one more limitation, but I can't really see this limitation as dramatically effecting your ability to view the movie. And, if this small concession opens the floodgates of all of the major movie studios to begin selling movies on iTunes, then I think it's more than fair.

    On the other hand, if Apple makes a concession now, that could be viewed as Apple "weakness" or "desperation", and may cause movie and music executives to demand additional restrictions or concessions by Apple.

    pictures of quarter horses. American Quarter Horses
  • American Quarter Horses

  • Feisty49
    Mar 30, 08:30 AM
    I finally found an answer to this question on an Apple site. Nothing is transparent and it took me a while. The answer is: I didn't have the earphone connection to the unit snapped into place. It was connected but who knew it had to be pushed firmly to snap in. I do now! :p


    pictures of quarter horses. Breed: American Quarter Horse
  • Breed: American Quarter Horse

  • gentlegiantcrai
    Jul 6, 08:01 PM
    Anyone lining-up at either At&t or Apple at the Gardens Mall. I spoke with At&T today at the Mall and they said they are opening at 8AM on July 11th, even though the Mall doesn't officially open till 10AM.

    pictures of quarter horses. Texotics - Quarter Horses
  • Texotics - Quarter Horses

  • IntelliUser
    Mar 19, 07:45 AM
    Politicians, of all people, should know when it's NOT ok to speak your mind, especially if you're having such bastard thoughts.

    One thing's for sure though, Kathleen Passidomo can dress as promiscuously as she wants, but she ain't getting any.


    pictures of quarter horses. Chestnut Quarter Horse
  • Chestnut Quarter Horse

  • jvmxtra
    Dec 14, 11:17 PM
    I used CandyBar to change the icons. It's the icon set called "Float".

    thanks! I was hoping however that it would be a free solution. :(

    pictures of quarter horses. Heisler Quarter horses
  • Heisler Quarter horses

  • Macintosheux
    May 1, 08:21 AM
    thanks, it might have been good to point that out in the first place :)
    Well, since I wanted everyone to use my watermarked picture, it was not the best idea. Most people quote their sources, but some don't. As Consomac is still a rather small website, consequences can be huge for us. ;)

    Thank you mrblack927 for the confirmation. :)

    The software i used for the screenshot is OmniOutliner.

    pictures of quarter horses. Foundation Quarter Horses
  • Foundation Quarter Horses

  • Deej
    Jun 25, 03:59 PM
    Similar to the LCD Screen from a Powerbook G4 I'm selling, I've got an Airport Extreme Card for sale too.

    Hope somebody's interested! :)

    Doctor Q
    Aug 19, 12:53 PM
    Just imagine if your screensaver did that in full resolution!

    May 6, 01:17 PM
    Yet this is the second time you come here and tell us how our point of view/perception is wrong, and don't give us any information as to what really happened.

    You are welcome to expend the effort to discover the back story. If you choose not to, go ahead keep spouting misinformation and jingoism, but be prepared to be called on it or to simply be ignored as lacking credibility.

    Dec 3, 09:02 AM
    Here's mine:

    Found it on

    Apr 29, 11:17 PM
    download the transparent slider background for 4.3 from cydia. I can't remember the exact name, but it's something along those lines.

    Apr 22, 06:23 PM
    I've reported it, but has anyone else with preview 2 ran into autoimport issues? It opens autoimport when my cameras are connected, but does nothing more.

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